The Father Says Today: March 29th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-03-28 at 7.05.43 PMThe Father says today that they don’t UNDERSTAND you because they DON’T UNDERSTAND Me. So you are in good company says the Father. Join the crowd of the misunderstood and misquoted, and mishandled servants of My kingdom. This is part and parcel of the glory-experience so get used to it and refuse to be offended. Set aside the opinions of men and your emotional attachment to what others think. Allow Me to be your affirmation and your confidence.
If you look at yourself in the light of other men’s countenance you will always get a skewed image. See yourself as I see you says the Father. See yourself in the light of My glory that I have caused to shine in your face. I am advocating for you and standing up for you. If you have My endorsement then do not be concern over the opposition of others. Lay down and let your sleep be sweet for I am guiding you and on the other side of this trial you will come out like fine gold.
What Others Are Saying:
Truly this is a prophet of God! I thank god for your great ministry Russ and Kitty it has been life to my spirit every morning. I received a word from the prophet that only God could have given him. That word was tailored just for me every line was on target as to what I needed to hear. The sprit of The Lord told me to sow a seed into this ministry, Its not much but it is from the heart and I sow it over the word that has been planted and it shall come to pass in Jesus name this testimony is sealed in the blood of Jesus Amen.
Guest Prophetic Word from Prophet Tim Fox:
The Father says come closer to Me my children. You have been told that fire is dangerous, and I say now to you that I have built a bonfire of My Love for you to dance and sing around and be filled with the wildness and fullness of My Love, My Provisions and Glory now. Do Not wait, Do not Tarry for I Come Quickly, and Move Quickly from Heart to Heart, House to House. The Great Cloud of Witnesses are urging you and My Angels are there to show you the way to the Party of the Ages. For like the Prodigal who I ran to meet in the way I say come, come my Beloved. Enjoy My Sweet Red Wine, which was poured from my veins for your healing, For it is in drinking in this sweet nectar that will satisfy your total being but leaving you wanting for more. I say to you, I Am Your More, More Life, More Joy and The More that your total being cries out for. So Come, Drink, Dance till Cup Runs Over Says The Father.

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  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    WHAT A BREAKTHROUGH MESSAGE FOR ME! AM JUST AMAZED at how the Lord is using you Prophet Russ. This PROPHECY was straight from the heart of God for me. He is my witness of how concerned I was over a statement someone said about me. Truly the Lord let us know that we are VICTORIOUS over all of these circumstances and situations. I SLEPT better last night than I ever had in a long time and woke up refreshed, renewed and restored. Thank you for allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to express THE FATHER’S LOVE and CARE for us on a daily basis FAITHFUL PROPHET RUSS!! THE ENEMY WILL SEE HOW MUCH OUR FATHER LOVES US AND WILL BOW HIS HEAD IN SHAME IN JESUS’ NAME..AMEN!!

  • WOW, this prophecy and yesterday’s answered my prayers from the last two nights. There’s only one person at this time who truly understand me and that’s my Babygirl, everyone else claim they love me; but have no clue who I am and surely does not understand me at all… Thank You Father God for Your reassuring word…all is well with my soul!!!