The Father Says Today: March 27th, 2014

DSC08545The Father says this is the time of gathering unto and not withdrawal. It has been necessary to cloister yourself from men and withdraw from the crowds in times past. I am changing that assignment today. Take your staff in your hand and find the sons of the prophets and make yourself known. I said it is TIME to check in with the sons of the prophets says the Father. You didn’t meet all their expectations but they have been through some things since you last heard from them. You are going to find they now have a hearing ear and they will extend and open hand of fellowship.
Don’t hold it against them says the Father, they are not wolves in sheep’s clothing, they are just stunted sheep. They didn’t have a good rearing and the ones responsible to mature them just chose to FLEECE THEM instead. I am going to deal with the false shepherds says the Father and they are going to smart so much under the blows they are going to come talk to YOU about how to get loose and out from under. Don’t add salt to their wounds. They belong to Me. Just love them and set them free from their self-imposed suffering. I will take it from there.
What Others Are Saying:
Received my personal prophetic word yesterday. Thank You Lord for Your goodness. Man of God, the Lord bless you for how you have yielded yourself to the Lord to do His work. The prophetic word concerning my geographical location is spot on as well as every other thing spoken. I’m lost for words, really don’t know what to say. Praise the Lord!
Guest Prophetic Word from Rhonda Lee:
The Father says today, Do not think of yourselves as inferior, inadequate or lacking in anything, for you are My children, children of a Superior Being, therefore you are a Superior race of redeemed eternal beings who have more than enough intellect, insight, foresight, wisdom and power to conquer all opposition and overcome all obstacles. Each one of you has been strategically placed in cities and towns throughout the earth, where the giftings, offices and mantles you carry are needed to uproot and destroy the enemies strongholds. Where you are located is by Divine decree. Do not try to run from the territory I have given into your hands.
You, My children have the God of all creation dwelling on the inside of you, filling you with all wisdom and knowledge. You are equipped with the dunamis power that victoriously raised My Son from the steely cold grasp of death. Rise up in this revelatory power and proclaim My love to all you encounter in the strategic place where I have planted you. My glory is on the inside of you and as it shines forth, that brillant light shall shatter all darkness around you. Victory is assured, go forth in all confidence and live in holy boldness of who you are and whose you are.

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