The Father Says Today: March 26th, 2014

DSC08533The Father says I am making you the initiator of a fresh glory even a NEW GLORY SAYS THE FATHER. The mantle of GLORY INITIATOR is falling upon you today and you are A CARRIER. I made you a CARRIER of My Glory because you will not hold back. You will not try to bottle up or package what I am doing. You will GIVE IT OUT to others and they will become LEAKERS of that which I am pouring out.
You have been hurt in times past because you didn’t bring My glory in a package that sophisticated and worldly people thought was chic or fashionable. You are not one to FOLLOW fashion but you are a trendsetter. Those who turned up their nose at how I made you are going to emulate you like pre-pubescent children when they see the power and efficacy of the Glory that I am pouring out through you now!
What Others Are Saying:
“I want to thank God for giving you to me as my angel. Since I found in my life everythings has changed in my life. Your my God messanger to my life. God bless you all the way, in Jesus Name I pray, AMEN. From South Africa.”
Guest Prophetic Word from June Stanford:
The Father says this is a new day. I am calling you into myself. I am fashioning you according to my likeness. My presence, my Glory shall rest on you. Know this I AM, the I AM. I am not a God afar off. Rest assured I will bring you into myself. Rejoice! for this is your hour, be glad in your heart.

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