The Father Says Today: March 25th, 2014

DSC08065The Father says today I told you. I told you and YOU heard Me. It didn’t make sense in the light of other’s opinions but I haven’t called you to walk according to opinions of men. In fact I have called you to cut cross-wise in your decisions to the thoughts of others in regard to the problem at hand. They have said “Oh man of God there is poison in the pot…” But I am the God that brings the meal, even the grain sacrifice of My truth and My love into the conditions at hand. What it looks like is going to happen is not going to happen because they are not in charge I AM IN CHARGE.
You have worried about collateral damage. Even young ones who have seen the “folly in Israel” as it were and you didn’t want to see them turned sour on spirit things. That isn’t going to happen. Trust Me. Trust the resilience of youth for they will come out LIKE GOLD says the Father and they will not be pulled into the contaminated thinking of unregenerate men. Rejoice says the Father because “I’VE GOT THIS!!” You don’t have ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!
What Others are Saying:
“What a comforting and encouraging message for such a time as this in my life and affairs. Thank you Father for a covering of favor over our lives that the enemy cannot get through. All barriers and obstacles to our divinely given good in every area of our lives and affairs are now instantly and permanently removed BY JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! GOD IS driving away and keeping away wrong people from our lives and affairs in Jesus name….GLORY BE TO GOD. Thank you BLESSED PROPHET RUSS!! ”
Guest Prophetic Word from Sharon Fauber:
The Father says today return to your first love and I will heal your land. I am calling you to dig deeper in Me. Listen for my voice calling to you… Come Forth. As I called Lazurus to come forth out of the tome. I am calling you to come forth to Me. Throw off the old dead and dying grave clothes. The ones that have kept you bound.. Arise to new Life in Me. Walk in newness of life. I am shining upon you this day. I am delivering you from old bondages that have kept you blind, poor and retched. I am pouring out My Love, pouring Love on every part of your life.
Seek me with all your heart and you will be found by Me. I am not far from you, just a prayer away. Call upon My name to save you. Save you from the dark places. The shadows that seem to linger. I am doing house cleaning today. Bring all you have and lay them at my feet. My bright love light is shining upon you. Walk in the light as I am in the light… I am your light to lighten your pathway. I have said, Let there be Light. I and still saying to you today .. Let there Be Light.

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