The Father Says Today: March 21st, 2014

10The Father says today that I have made you an initiator of My kingdom. You are a director of heaven and earth in the jurisdiction of your life. My grace in your life is the prime mover of My hand and not any other thing. I am not moved by religious performance or moral quality. I am not moved by much praying or fasting or delivering yourself over to self-imposed regimens of religious stricture. I loved you when you were yet in your sins. I loved you when you were born in sin and shapen in iniquity. What could you possibly do to add to the love that nailed My hands and feet in your behalf? I declare to you this day that you are the inheritor of My unconditional, freely given, unmerited favor and blessing.
I could have simply covered you with my name but I chose to go further and actually give you my name. As I gave the name of Abraham to his seed after the natural so I have given My name to you that you might CALL UPON ME in your hour of need and SEE that I will act in your defense in behalf of the NAME and not any other thing. So trust in and rely on My name! Only the NAME will move My hand says the Father and the NAME OF JESUS is the unconditional, unreserved gift I have imparted to you 2000 years ago!
What Others Are Saying:
Praise the Lord! The Word that was spoken to me on behalf of my daughter brought me great joy and peace. I receive the Word of the Lord that was spoken through His Prophet. He spoke of healing needed in her body and I never mentioned that in my request so I declare this to be a true Word from the Lord and a true prayer and petition brought before the Father and I am gratefull and receive it. Thank you so much! I will send you updates as I witness the Word from God come to pass. God bless!
Guest Prophetic Word from Victoria Brandow:
The Father says today “What is it you do not understand about ‘It is FINISHED’?” I am your Father and I am telling you that what My Son did for you is indeed ‘finished’. All of it is finished. For every drop of blood he shed conquered something for you. Conquered, conquered. Think about that. From the drops of blood on His forehead in the Garden of Gethsemane that conquered STRESS for you so that you never have to suffer stress – to the blood he spilled for every disease, ALL diseases – to the blood he spilled to remove all your sin. All sins! Forever. All of those enemies are conquered and My Son is the Victor.
I know you believe in Me and in the work My Son completed for you. So I’m asking you today – what is it about “It is finished” that you do not fully grasp or understand? All of it, Child – ALL OF IT – is already finished for you. So climb up in my lap and let me hug you while we laugh and enjoy the life that I have created you to live. Let me pour out My blessings on you for I have so much to give to you. For it is indeed finished! All of it. Your sins are removed, gone forever. Your diseases – ALL of your diseases are healed. Your stress has already been suffered – there is no need for you to stress or worry about anything at all for My Son has finished it all for you. It is time to move forward with Me and leave the past behind.

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Other Comments

  • Pamela Hutchieson says:

    Very now activation. As I was driving from work last night, felt led to proclaim and speak to the jurisdiction and territory the Lord has given me. Every knee shall bow. The Kingdom of God is at hand. I felt led to apply the blood of Jesus over the land that he has given to me. So again, these prophetic messages are daily confirming and activating the knowledge of the will of God in me as it is in heaven. I am forever thankful and full of the joy of the LORD. God is so faithful. Without fail every daily prophetic word has at least one word or action that has been brought to my attention while in communion with the LORD, either that day or night. That is GOD. Also, all of the guest prophetic messages are appropriately named bonus blessings!! This is an answer to our prayers.

  • Bridgette says:

    I am SO VERY GRATELY for this God sent prophetic ministry. prophets Russ and Kitty
    are NOT in this for the money. They are beautiful loving caring prophets.
    I use to receive from another prophet/s via e-mail. Every day they constantly ask me
    for monies, monies, and more monies. Monies, I did not even have.
    When I did not have the monies to send, I no longer received God’s daily word. “NO
    MONIES, NO WORD!” I have yet to encounter this with Prophets Russ and Kitty, they are
    a BLESSING, and not in this for MONIES!

  • saraya kentataya says:

    When I was 18 , my father trusted a male relative to take me to a near by town to spend time with a close girl friend for the 4th of July weekend. After my father & mother left this relative proceeded to start drinking alcohol, then he went & took a shower, came out with just his towel around him. He rushed upon me threw me down and was going to rape me, when I began to cry he raised up his fist with great evil energy aimed at me, and I cried out ” DEAR JESUS DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN ” and MY RELATIVE BECAME FROZEN LITERALLY. He could not move at all. After what seemed like a long time he slid off of me and I knew Jesus had saved me, I didn’t understand, what took place I just knew that Jesus said call on HIM and HE would always be there for me. Even though my relative was drunk he drove me to the near by town, and we made it without any other problems. The next day I went with some friends horse back riding July 4th, and I fell off the horse, was taken to Saint Jude Hospital, There just happened to be a plastic surgeon on staff at that time and he put 72 stitches in my chin, I was there for a week with a serious concussion, they said I hit hard enough to split my head wide open yet ( I had not one fracture, no broken neck etc.) and they were amazed. “JESUS” never left me, nor forsake me as HE promises in HIS WORD. Remembering “HE IS THE LIVING WORD ‘I was saved at 16 yrs. at a Billy Graham Crusade, while I was a foster child with another relative. I received my 1st Bible in a Juvenile correction center, while waiting to be put in a foster home. GOD IS A GOOD AND LOVING GOD. and JESUS IS FULL OF LOVE, MERCY AND COMPASSION. JESUS IS LORD MY LORD. PRAISE BE TO GOD. JESUS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR ME EVERY TIME…………………………
    That was in 1966………JESUS IS THE REAL DEAL , LET HIM BE YOUR LORD & HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU…………………………………….NO MATTER WHAT……………………..