The Father Says Today: March 17th, 2014

The Father says today that the blow intended for you has fallen upon Me. I have intervened in your behalf and upon Me has come all the reproaches that were against you. So turn your attention upon My love and My acceptance and not on the deprecations and accusations of the uninformed says the Father. They have said of you there is no hope for you in God and in that they have lied with the lie of the deceiver. You have hope in Me for I AM your hope and I am your deliverance and salvation.
The assaults of the enemy are just a distraction from the place of rest that I have afforded you in My bosom says the Father. Turn away from the prattling fools who do not see you they way I see you and have not paid the price that I have paid to speak into your life. Go LOW and worship – do not defend yourself or retaliate in any way. Just bring yourself and bring your attention to My throne. Pay your obeisance there and render up your worship until the overflowing scourge passes you by and you will then find yourself unscathed in My protection.
What Others are Saying:
As one operating in the prophetic gifts for the past 30 years myself, I confirm the Word received by Jonus as I received a very similar Word on the eve of Mar 15th. May the Lord continue to bless all.
Guest Prophetic Word from Jessica Gutierrez:
The Father says today that He is your treasure. He is the pot of gold that is yours to seek and to find everyday. His wealth is your portion as you go about your day meditating on Him and His a Kingdom you will become more aware of the jewels and gems He has made yours through Jesus. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead,guide,and direct you today for He is more than a map to your destiny but He is the person who gives you the assurance you have eternal life. Let this be your focus for Jesus longs for you to know the depths of His love that never fails and the inheritance that comes as a result of being His beloved.

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