The Father Says Today: March 16th, 2014

DSC08134The Father says today that you are an ENTITLED one in My kingdom. I have placed the braid of rank upon your shoulder and your words carry new weight as of THIS very MOMENT. Look for and expect a turning back of the enemy and turning over of your blessings and your loved ones that he took for his spoil. You are GETTING EVERYTHING BACK that has been stolen. Every day, every hour, every sleepless night every dime! I say to you this is your season of TAKING BACK!
It matters not what is coming out of the situation all that matters are the words of faith coming out of your mouth. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it! Like a mother bird I will fill you like a fledging with the food from heaven brought to you on the wings of My Spirit! Receive it and let that word of deliverance soar out from your lips in declaration of CHANGE for CHANGE is available and upon you for GOOD and not for EVIL this day says the Father.
What Others are Saying:
WOW PROPHET RUSS….Your message from the Father on 3/14/14 has started a chain of events that have been breathtaking. As I looked through my mail today I found a magazine that had on the front cover “Need to get Unstuck”? And I opened a letter that said Yes, you can have hope in every circumstance that God has a wonderful, extraordinary, greater than you can imagine future in store for you, a full life overflowing with His Peace and Joy…these words are just a reflection of the Father’s heart that you express to us daily. YES, I DO, REJOICE AND AFFIRM IN YOUR LOVE FOR ME FATHER through your chosen vessels and i appreciate everything you do for us in Jesus’ name…AMEN.
Bonus Blessing:
Guest Prophetic Word by Jonas Stoltzfus:
The Father says that I am coming with an anointing so powerful that it will break every yoke. My glory will again inhabit my people. The chains of bondage will be broken and the captives will be set free. This will happen all across the land. I will again visit my people with power and might. I will move my hand and perform signs and wonders at the name of my Holy child Jesus. The dross will be burned up and my spirit will fall again in a mighty and powerful way. I will bring about transformation to the land.

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Other Comments

  • Anthony E, says:

    As one operating in the prophetic gifts for the past 30 years myself, I confirm the Word received by Jonus as I received a very similar Word on the eve of Mar 15th. May the Lord continue to bless all.