The Father Says Today: March 15th, 2014

DSC08174The Father says today that I am scribing a new day for you today. All options are on the table says the Father for nothing is impossible and the enlargement of My heart is toward you for good and for blessing. I am blotting out limitation, deprivation and lack. I am turning the scales of justice and bringing the gavel of divine authority down in your favor. My plan for you is of such a breadth and depth of blessing that it borders on fantasy for that is how much I love you and how capable I am of showing it.
I am writing a new story in your life. I will show you I love you with my yes. Can you take now for an answer? I say yes to your yes. I say yes to your yes right here and right now. I am dipping the quill of My favor into the ink of My promise and scribing a wide and expansive renewal in every area of your life. Make it your determination not to talk yourself out of My goodness. Don’t rationalize away My blessing but simply affirm and rejoice in My love for you oh My beloved.
What Others are Saying:
MY GOD!! I am sure God is ministering to others through these prophecies but without a doubt he is definitely speaking into my life. I do feel stuck, although God is using me to be an influence at church and in my workplace as a light for him. I was told some time ago by someone that I had a spirit of pride and God was teaching me something. I did not receive that especially when some of the circumstances in my life requires a lot of humility. Thank you for allowing the Father to speak to me about these concerns. I feel a burden lifted from my heart. I receive that higher calling in Jesus’ name… Thank You!!
Guest Prophetic Word from Uche Ugwu:
The Father says to you today I am the Light. My Light is shining brighter and brighter, to unveil what is hidden and bring illumination and deliverance to His people. My Light is going forth in this season in a new way to draw life’s into My Kingdom.
This is the hour where My Harvest shall be seen in an extraordinary way. My Light will be established and made manifest in places where it had looked impossible. My Light will bring forth the hundred fold harvest into My Kingdom, and My people will rejoice in this. My Light will no longer be put off, for it is the Light of My Glory and it has come to usher My people into My Glory realm.

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  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    WOW PROPHET RUSS….Your message from the Father on 3/14/14 has started a chain of events that have been breathtaking. As I looked through my mail today I found a magazine that had on the front cover “Need to get Unstuck”? And I opened a letter that said Yes, you can have hope in every circumstance that God has a wonderful, extraordinary, greater than you can imagine future in store for you, a full life overflowing with His Peace and Joy…these words are just a reflection of the Father’s heart that you express to us daily. YES, I DO, REJOICE AND AFFIRM IN YOUR LOVE FOR ME FATHER through your chosen vessels and i appreciate everything you do for us in Jesus’ name…AMEN.

  • Dysheana Sanders says:

    I believe God so I can be established, I believe His prophets so I can PROSPER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you ABBA!