The Father Says Today: March 14th, 2014

DSC08145The Father says today that your days of being adrift in life are at an end. The currents of My determinate destiny are this day directing the bark of your life into the very currents of My higher purposes. There have been times that you wondered about the circumstances of life and you have felt stuck and stagnate. That is at an end this very day says the Father. I want you to throw your back into My purposes and know that you are not wasting your time and you are not wasting your life.
I placed within you a desire to make a difference and to have impact. This will not be denied you says the Father. The enemy lies to you and says that your ambitions are born of ego and pride but underlying it all is a heart beating passionately to serve and fulfill your purpose. I see that says the Father so ignore the gainsaying of the enemy who would turn your own mind against you with doubts and self-accusations. I am here and this is My now time to draw you out of despondency and catapult you into the higher call says the Father – the higher call for which you are ordained says your God.
What Others are Saying:
Wow, Praise God this is a wonderful word, and even the word given by the guest prophet is over the top Good News for I sense and know that the elevation time is nearing and nothing but Him lastingly satisfys! Thank you both for your prophecies today for they are very encouraging!
Guest Prophetic Word by Valerie Taylor Cummings:
The father says today I love you with an everlasting love one that is never ending nothing you do can take that love away and my desire for you is stronger than you think. I am determined to have a relationship with you so that you would know my heart and cause others to know me too. I want you to experience my goodness. My grace is made perfect in w weakness, I am a big God and I have all the answers to difficult circumstance’s in your life.
Seek, ask, that your joy shall be full and My name will be glorified, My plans for you are good and to give you an expected end to give you what your heart desires. wait on me and I will direct your paths trust me and you will see what I will do on the behalf.

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  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    MY GOD!! I am sure God is ministering to others through these prophecies but without a doubt he is definitely speaking into my life. I do feel stuck, although God is using me to be an influence at church and in my workplace as a light for him. I was told some time ago by someone that I had a spirit of pride and God was teaching me something. I did not receive that especially when some of the circumstances in my life requires a lot of humility. Thank you for allowing the Father to speak to me about these concerns. I feel a burden lifted from my heart. I receive that higher calling in Jesus’ name… Thank You!!

  • thank u I want to b catapulted I ask 4 favour father favour pls in my dream career