The Father Says Today: March 13th, 2014

DSC08149The Father says today that I am establishing you to Myself. I am establishing you in your going out and I am establishing you in your coming in. I will cause you to arise and to stand when all others around you are falling. You will come out with power and I will give you the grace and the favor to be in the right place at the right time with My word in your mouth for victory and deliverance. I am empowering you this day to be self-maintaining, not dependent upon others but looking only unto Me for all that is necessary for life and godliness.
The confirmation of My favor is THIS DAY upon you My beloved. You will endure and you will survive and you will thrive says the Father. When others falter and retreat you will charge forward and take the spoil and rejoice in the triumph I have afforded you by My right arm. You will stand in a fixed place and your faith will be proven and your substance sure. So make it your determination to pursue says the Father for surely all I have spoken to you will be fulfilled as you persist and continue expecting all that I have promised.
What Others Are Saying:
Dear Prophets Russ and Kitty, my praises are to God Almighty for bringing me to this website. You speak the very heart of God and at a time where so much turmoil is taking place in my life, I have learnt to wait upon His Word and the daily prophetic Word. Today you confirmed the Word of The Lord for my son and thank you Father for your message for me to rest in you. Prophets Russ and Kitty may The Lord continue to use you both to reach out to the hurting world. I am so glad to be a part and partner of your ministry even in very small way. May The Lord cover you and your ministry under His very precious Blood in Jesus name.
Guest Prophetic Word from Tracey Mitchell:
Our Father heart says today Soak me up! Soak up all that I have for you and all that I have for your life! I offer much more for you and now is the time to absorb the blessings that my presence offers. I am your water and your bread and use my Daily Word to soak up the living water that I have for your spiritual thirst! Get into my presence daily. I am ready to speak to YOU daily. Unadulterated purity of my heart directly to the ears of your heart.
Prepare to go to a higher plane in me, in the anointing that I have for your life – for MY glory. Prepare your mind, body and soul to ascend quickly from this point forward reaching new altitudes and new levels – so high that they surpass the gravitational accelerated weight of the g force. And hearing me so quickly as to outdo mach levels speed of sound! This is the God that I am for you – This manifestation of my Spirit is beyond human limits and limits of your mind’s comprehension. I am who I say that I am and the places that I plan to take you will require only the Strong Hearted, the Courageous, with a Trust, Tenacity, Love and Zeal for only me! I am a jealous God! You must be ready to put your hand to the plow and never look back. Because you will have NOTHING to go back to, once I elevate you. Nothing will be the same, nothing as you once knew it will satisfy you, feed your or fulfill you! This is a new place in my Glory!! Now is the Time, says the Father!

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  • I THANK YOU LORD, I decree, declare, believe, and receive these prophetic
    words ALL spoken over my life and the lives of so many others. Lord, I humbly
    receive in JESUS NAME AMEN!

  • Wow, Praise God this is a wonderful word, and even the word given by the guest prophet is over the top Good News for I sense and know that the elevation time is nearing and nothing but Him lastingly satisfys! Thank you both for your prophecies today for they are very encouraging!