The Father Says Today: March 10th, 2014

DSC08065The Father says today you are not subject to bondage you are eligible for freedom. I give you freedom of choice, freedom of supply and the freedom of time to pursue my purposes as they are revealed in your heart. That thing that had the power of death has been defeated and cannot take time from you. Because I have time you have time says the Father. With time I give you wisdom as well and supply to implement my purposes upon the earth.
So don’t kill time says the Father for time is your servant and in due it will tell, it will declare my glory in your life for I am the ever faithful one. So set aside and let go of all stress and all bondage to the ticking of the clock for I am your sovereign benefactor extending to you in your lifespan the exact number of days to experience the full bandwidth of my plan and my blessing you are destined to experience.
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Thank you man of God For speaking words of truth in my life this very moment! Confirmation of right now his voice and hand is on me.God Bless you and Gods ministry.

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  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    Thank you Prophet Russ for this timely message on time. How we manage the time God gives us are so important. We certainly need Godly wisdom and provision to fulfill his divine plan for our lives. I thank our heavenly Father for using you and Kitty as anointed vessels to lead us and guide us into the direction he has for our lives in Jesus’ name…amen.

  • Lizelle says:

    Hi Russ. Ezekiel 37:1-14 really spoke to me after I listened to the song of Chris Tomlin -Awake my soul and looked at his music video. I have problems with my emails on my laptop,but can still read your daily devotions on my phone which is very encouraging at this stage of my life. Take Care. Lizelle