The Father Says Today: January 29th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today you must learn to master your own impatience. You’ve asked for power but I’ve already given you power. Exercise My dunamis, My exousia power as the enablement to be still. Be still and hear. Be still and know. Be still and anchor yourself in the silence between your own thoughts for that is where My voice is insinuating itself into the stream of your own consciousness. Hear the rumble of My laughter says the Father for “he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh…” Don’t allow the humor of the enemy’s assault to escape you. The enemy is so going to be routed in your life and turned back. Let the quiet hum of rejoicing and joy and laughter gain in momentum and come to a new level on the inside of you. Let My joy be the back drop of your day this day for joy is My kingdom, peace is My and righteousness is My kingdom.
My kingdom in you is not passive but active. Get past the wondering and doubtfulness about whether I truly set a priority on prospering and being in health – focus on the assault of the enemy that is failing and crumbling even now as you step into My NOW for your life. You know that your inventory of personal strength isn’t up to the task but I am opening your eyes to see that more are they that be for you than they the be against you. Stop seeing the enemy and start seeing the angels. The angels of My power are vectoring into your life to bring about the sure establishment of My will for you. So calm down says the Father. Calm down and synchronize your emotions and your mental state to what I am showing you and not the lying vanity of the situation and circumstance that would laughably suggest you aren’t going to make it through.

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