The Father says today be still and just know that I am God. I am God in your situation. It is My hand pushing down the mountain of obstacles in your path. It is My hand bridging the impassible abyss that seems to impede your way. Just be still and make a decision to trust Me. Panic doesn’t serve any positive purpose. Fear is an emotional carcinogen – reject fear. Know that you cannot be separated from who I am and you can trust Me even though you don’t know how things will turn out. Trust Me for the end result and trust Me for the process of getting through it all. Stand with Me says the Father because fear will cause you to stand against what I am doing to deliver you.
Make a decision that YOUR WILL your human will shall become the vehicle of spirituality and strength that I am releasing to you this day. Be drawn – allow yourself to be drawn into deeper trust in Me. Look beyond your own challenge and be a source of strength for others. Determine within your heart to be OTHERS ORIENTED when the pressures of life tempt you to think only of yourself. This is the key of stepping out of failure into the NEVER-FAIL territory of My love. Under your most intense pressure turn out of the way of self interest and self focus and go out and love someone completely unexpectedly. You will see your breakthrough as the result. For I am your safe guard says the Father – I have everything under My control.
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Marcel says:
Yes! This is how He works! Praise the Lord!
Julie Van Donsel says:
What a blessing your messages are!
Praise to God for all the ways He moves!
Curtis C. says:
Right on time – as usual. Praise God!
Thando Blessed Ngwata says:
Lord U are worthy now and forevermore, thanks for benfits and constant Love i retain Your #Lovingkindess in Honor Amen
Tiffany Jong Bretana says:
Amen & Amen
Anastasia Kollaris Hallas says:
Thank you Jesus!
Piper Henry says:
Amen.. I Trust You Lord.. For you are my beginning and ending
Kelly Smith says:
He’s such a gooooood Daddy!
Laura Barragan says:
Michelle Atala says:
Amen and Amen
Donna Stabler says:
Good word for me today. Thank you.
Bronwyn Caverly says:
One step at a time My Father, you reassure me in all things. Just when i think it cant possibly get better, it does. So many times ive been afraid, only to have you speak thru your servants the prophets, and then i know that i know, I am on the right track. Thankyou Lord Jesus.
Pamela Brunson Sieber says:
Esther Rodolphe says:
Thank you JESUS
LeighAnn Bennett says:
This is affirmation! Thank You Lord!
John Kury says:
Praise God
Pier D'Elia says:
I Receive and Amen !!!
Alison Canty says:
I really needed this today. I have been under severe attack because of a situation in school but God is delivering me from it. He even gave me a new friend today. Yea!