The Father Says Today: January 24th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am moving in your life with an unbending intention. I am used to getting My way says the Father and I don’t take it lying down when the enemy presumes to impede My blessing in your life. Do not allow what the enemy is attempting to distract with you beloved. Embrace My intentionality in your life and don’t be concerned with what the losing team is up to. This is the peace that passes understanding. Let this peace guard your mind. Let this peace come NOW. Let My peace cause you to feel My love and My joy as a tangible thing even when the enemy is beating your door down and shouting his endless (and pointless) threats.
Live FROM and live IN breakthrough. The breaker anointing is upon you and because I live inside of your heart the breaker anointing IS YOU. Come to the place that you mature out of the need for a succession of breakthrough events into a lifestyle of consistent overcoming at all times in all circumstances. Fear not says the Father. Your biggest problems are SO NOT A CHALLENGE to My goodness. Learn to laugh at the enemy. Stand between My legs, wrap your arms around My knees and stick your tongue out at the enemy for I will not allow Him to molest you in any way. Dwell in this light Beloved. Dwell in this presence for this is where My total love will manifest total power and bring total relief and joy in the midst of the clamor of the world around you.

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