The Father Says Today: January 22nd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I am releasing new hope, new life and new expectation upon you. As a soaking rain after a dry season I am moistening your spiritual bones and causing your spirit to become fat with My goodness says the Father. I declare to you this day that the lean years and lean times and lean expectations are this now dissipated from your life and you will know newness of joy and newness of My substance in the midst of your need and your frustration. It’s who I AM and what I do says the Father. I am this day the originator of a NEW JOY. No more feeling like a prisoner of hope bound off and denied that which you have longed for and cried out for. This is a new season and new purpose that is being manifest to lead and guide you out of captivity and into the full bandwidth of My promise.
Bind your spiritual shoes on your feet says the Father. Take the staff of My authority in your hand. Behold the doors that have been locked against you are opening of their own accord even as the angel delivered Peter from the prison house so I am delivering you out of the empty and vain religious expectations into fullness of life and power and the demonstration of My Spirit. You are called to be a demonstrator and I say to you this hour that you are a first partaker! You are partaker and a participator for your past will not dictate your future neither the opinions of man. You will not be limited by what man thinks for even those who have criticized when the see My evident goodness in your life will seek you out as the Magi sought out the birthplace of the babe for I have set My sign in the heavens above you – the sign of rule and favor even this day and this hour this is your portion!

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