The Father Says Today: January 21st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that your spirit is My house and I want you to be familiar with My environment. I have chosen your heart as My seat of government in the earth. Your spirit – your human spirit never sleeps and it never slumbers. It is always out there working on the areas of need in your life by My plan and My purpose. Never allow yourself to have an empty house for your inner man is a coveted piece of real estate in the realm of the unseen. I so coveted to make My home in you that I sent My only begotten Son to make it possible. Your spirit man says the Father is My point of entry in to your life. Guard your heart and guard your spirit not allowing anything to enter your spirit through the mind or emotions that would contaminate or corrupt My throne room on the inside of you.
Your spirit always communes with Me and sups at My table. When you give your spirit the ascendancy over your emotions and your mind you have made Me Lord over your life in a practical and practicable way. This is the pragmatism of spiritual things says the Father. Walking with Me is more than carrying about in your heart a sentiment of love toward Me. My Lordship in you is active and practical and as you implement My thoughts and My ways in your life you will experience My Lordship in a manner that will put you over even the highest obstacles and greatest threats to your peace. So OPEN UP YOUR SPIRIT to My life and to My indwelling and I will make My home in you and set up My boundaries of blessing and protection over you after a fashion that you have yet to experience in fullness.

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