The Father Says Today: January 20th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I am your Jehovah-Nissi. I am the Banner over you that the angels of heaven are vectoring in as a signal of glory from My throne. They are approaching for your benefit and working toward your blessing. My banner over you is a banner of hope and a banner of restoration. I am renewing your hope that your faith might bring into substance all that I have promised you. Yes says the Father YOUR faith is doing some things in your life that you have been waiting on Me to do. Your faith is the signalman that is bringing My favor in for a landing in your life.
Remember those countless individuals I spoke these words to: “Be it unto you according to your faith…” This is likewise the faith that you have and the faith that I have released to you as My unconditional gift. Your faith is a “be-it-unto-you-as-thou-hast-said” kind of faith. So be determined to act now and to speak now for this is that rare moment when those things that proceed out of your mouth will become as effective as if I said them or did them. This is not accomplished by the will of man but by My faith that I have planted in you. Have My faith yes – HAVE THE FAITH OF GOD. Look to My banner – My hope in your life. You will not be disappointed or turned back or denied says the Father!

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