The Father Says Today: January 18th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says make it your purpose to embrace today My intentionality in your life. In so doing you will by your obedience to the mandates of My mind turn defeat into triumph and stagnation into dynamic life in My kingdom. Think today the thoughts of one who has put on the “Ascension Mind” even as I said in My word. Mind not earthly things says the Father. You are an ascended and entitled son of the Most High God therefore see yourself and your circumstance from the perspective of “highest heart’s desire” and “greatest dream fulfilled”. Anxiety, worry and fear are banished in the peace that comes when you embrace My intentionality toward your life.
My goodness is a tangible thing in your life says the Father. My goodness lightens your countenance and advances you forward with quantum steps that require no entrenchment or regrouping to cope with the assault of the enemy. So recalibrate your perspective toward not merely waiting on an event of transformation but see yourself living a lifestyle of constant transformation and breakthrough. Learn how to BE and not just wondering what to DO. Relax in My presence and see the activity of your spirit – your human spirit synchronize with the working of My Spirit and accomplishing ALL things that you have cried out to Me regarding and much, much more My beloved. This is living life in the “Jesus Style”!

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