The Father Says Today: January 16th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that My promise in you cannot be assaulted or diminished by any created thing. Know this says the Father that the enemy of your soul is not equal yet opposite to Me. In redemption says the Father I have imparted to you My uncreated and sovereign substance. I breathed my eternal nature into you that you might taste of the powers of the world to come. I have given you in the cross of Christ and in the earnest of My Spirit a full measure of my limitlessness by which I will not be bounded or contained. Because I will not be bounded or contained says the Father therefore you will not be bounded or contain for you are My possession.
You are mine says the Father, and I am yours. My sovereignty is in you and is at your disposal for provision and breakthrough. Mercy and truth rejoice together over you this day! Receive the full measure of all that I am in eternity as your temporal provision and resource. Put down all rule that would rise up against. You will NOT be ruled by lack or by sickness or by ANY DEPREDATION of the enemy for I AM that I AM and I AM on the inside of you ENTHRONED and RULING and RIEGNING over your life from the smallest minutiae of your need to the highest mountain of adversity that might loom in your way.

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