The Father Says Today: January 15th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today you are not being turned back you are being turned on. I am turning you to victory, turning you on to My power and turning you on to My sovereignty that is partnering with you today to catapult you beyond the current impediments and obstacles before you. The hindrances before you are illusory says the Father and they will yield to the faith – MY FAITH that is operative in you right at this moment. You see says the Father My sovereignty is a place you live from and stand in so that the fiction of resistance on the enemy’s part just dissipates from your life like a morning mist.
Do not be discouraged. Do not be distracted. I am neither discouraged or distracted and I am in you so relax into My audacity and My confidence for I have placed My character and composure on loan to you says the Father to get you through the day with joy and not worry or fear or hesitation. Smile says the Father. Rejoice. He that sits in the heaven’s shall laugh. You can look back to the defeats of the past but THIS is NOT that day or that season. It’s going to be different because YOU are different. You are closer to Me than you were then and you understand more of My nature. Rejoice says the Father – this is going to be fun!

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