The Father says today that I would that you hear My voice with clarity and fulness. You have prophetic gifting upon your life. You have prophetic gifting because the simplicity of the prophetic is to hear My voice and share what you hear for the benefit of others. He that has ears to hear let him hear. Speak to your eyes and command them to be opened. Speak to your ears and command them to hear My voice. My voice is the voice of many waters and I am flowing down upon you this very moment. You are one who is destined to know my voice. You are entitled to know My voice because the shed blood of Calvary is your validation and your basis of rightstanding before My throne. I will cause you to see what I’m saying and to hear what I am saying. Yes you will see, you will hear and you will sense the full bandwidth of My agenda for your life and heart for the world around you.
I give you the boldness today to discern the very nuance of the still, small voice. Even the voice of my Spirit revealed in the innermost parts of your being. You will be a student of the Logos and you will be a student of the Rhema even My present truth. Where My voice is heard the enemy trembles. Where My voice is heard liberty comes and healing is manifest and My kingdom is established. Be attuned to My voice says the Father for this day I declare you are the recipient of all that My voice affords to those who choose to hear and see and know the reality of My heart and mind in their lives.
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Pauline says:
Dear Russ & Kitty, thank you for the prophetic word. May God continue to bless the both of you. I thank God for using you as Apostles and servants for his Glory. May Gods Grace be upon both of you, may you experience deeper visions, dreams , and manifestations . To God all the honor and Glory. Sister in Christ Pauline
Brenda Woods says:
Pat Volpe Eno says:
Thank you, I am in agreement that I will hear with blessed, clarity and walk to that open door with boldness and into the plan of god! Amen
Thando Blessed Ngwata says:
Thanks everlasting Father in Jesus Christ name Hallelujah Amen
Marion R Eklund says:
Feels like this was spot on for me. Thank U Lord.
tonya says:
Russ and Kitty, thank you for the Word of the Lord. Please know, each time I read the daily Word, it gives me HOPE.
Speak Lord, for I am ready to receive your instructions. I command in the name of Jesus, every voice
to be silenced, even my own and all distractions, that interefere with hearing and seeing what the Holy Spirit
will have me to receive. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Pier D'Elia says:
Amen !!!
Kelly Smith says:
Received in Yahushua’s Name.
Terri Lynn Day says:
God bless you with more love, more power 🙂
Joy Pandian says:
Treasure Nicky Jafarie says:
Amen thank u for confirmation!
Treasure Nicky Jafarie says:
Amen thank u for confirmation!
Bronwyn Caverly says:
What a great word. Thanku so much for everything u guys do 🙂