Morning Light – Numbers 1

[Numbers 1] What Tribe Are You in God? Introduction to the Book of Numbers. The book of Numbers gets its name from the various census that God instructs Moses to take. The people were numbered by tribes, clans, and families. Did you know there are tribes in God? What tribe are you? God numbers people […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 27

[Leviticus 27] Regarding Vows and Tithing: Have you ever vowed a vow to the Lord? Did you keep it? What then? Did you keep a vow and not receive what you asked for? Is it wrong to vow? Does God’s word provide a way out from under an ill-advised vow? In studying Leviticus 27, we […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 26

[Leviticus 26] Expedited Blessing – Accelerated Favor: In this chapter of Leviticus, God reiterates to Moses the prohibitions against idolatry that will be in force not only in the wilderness but in the Promised Land as well. Ancient practices of idolatry were driven by fear. Pagan worship was carried out to stave off crop failure, […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 25

[Leviticus 25] The Jubilee Mentality: Stewarding the Commanded Blessing. In this chapter, God instructs Moses regarding the protocols for total deliverance of the people of God. The preparation for the Promised Land did not take place in the land surrounded by milk and honey. The preparation for reigning takes place while the enemy yet thumbs […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 24

[Leviticus 24] Greater Anointing, Signs, and Wonders. In this chapter, God instructs Moses with details about setting the lampstand and table of showbread in order. This speaks of the ministry of the word as connected with healing and miracles. There are also instructions regarding the procurement of the oil for the light and flour loaves […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 23

[Leviticus 23] Celebrating the Feasts of the Lord. Are we required to keep the Jewish holy days? What is their meaning to us? What do they tell us about who Jesus is to us? Do they foreshadow events yet to be fulfilled in the last days? In this chapter, God instructs Moses regarding the seven […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 22

[Leviticus 22] Called to Separation! In Leviticus 22, God commands that Aaron and his priestly family live separated lives. As Aaron and his sons were priests, even so, Jesus is your high priest, and you are likewise a priest unto God. Aaron’s command to be separate is a reflection of God’s expectation that you and […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 21

[Leviticus 21] Qualifications of Leaders. In this chapter, Moses is instructed regarding the qualifications for leadership before God. You are called to be a leader. Everyone in the body of Christ leads and influences those around them. You are called, and whom God calls He qualifies. God wants you to be a strong, powerful, mature, […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 20

[Leviticus 20] From Servanthood to Sonship. In Leviticus 20, God lays out to Moses the penalty for sin. The worship of Molech through child sacrifice is particularly singled out. Molech in ancient Israel evolved into the worship of the pagan deity Chronos (god of time) in Greek and Roman culture. Do we still pass our […]


Morning Light – Leviticus 19

[Leviticus 19] Practical Holiness. Are we called to be “weird for Jesus”? In Leviticus 19, God instructs the people to “be holy” for He is Holy. What does it mean to be holy? God has not called you to be a “holy oddity.” Holiness is practical. It deals with an honest and transparent attitude toward […]