The Father Says Today: August 26th, 2018

The Father says today, I form light and I create darkness. Work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work. You struggle and put forth vain effort because you don’t always discern the season you are in. There is such a thing as the “day of the Lord,” and there […]


The Father Says Today: August 25th, 2018

The Father says today, prepare to take risks. Stepping out in faith into everyday circumstances equates to risk. You want change and desire things to get better but waiting and watching will not make anything different. Know this, that risk alone is mere foolishness, but dangers braved in faith bring My Spirit and My grace […]


The Father Says Today: August 24th, 2018

The Father says today, hindrances are being removed. Hindrances are being taken out of the way, but it is up to you to walk around them. Choose to be forward-looking and not bound by the past. There will always be distractions tempting you to look away from what I am saying and what I am […]


The Father Says Today: August 23rd, 2018

The Father says today, My kingdom is motion activated. It does not come with observation or passive expectation. Waiting and waiting for things to get better without corresponding action has nothing to do with the patience of the saints. I have called you to patient continuance in well DOING. Don’t fall for the lie that […]


The Father Says Today: August 22nd, 2018

The Father says today, when the pain of staying is greater than the pain of leaving – it is time for you to go. I place no premium on suffering, says the Father, in spite of the protestations of the uninformed otherwise. The cost of Calvary was paid in full to alleviate pain, not to […]


The Father Says Today: August 21st, 2018

The Father says today, you do not need to bombard heaven with your prayers. What makes you think that heaven needs bombarding? You are not My enemy. Your prayers are not weapons against the gates of heaven, they are weapons against the gates of hell. Those who originated that concept and those who propagate it […]


The Father Says Today: August 20th, 2018

The Father says today, stop waiting for something to happen and go out and make something happen. I didn’t tell My disciples to put down roots after the day of Pentecost and wait for the kingdom to come. I sent them out to compel the world and to disciple nations. Have you discipled a nation […]


The Father Says Today: August 19th, 2018

The Father says today, I will give you credibility with your tribe when you find your tribe. What is the point of trying to please people who are not interested in listening to what you are saying? Your message is your ministry – stop throwing pearls before swine. Get out of that swineherd and seek […]


The Father Says Today: August 18th, 2018

The Father says today, we have changed things, haven’t we? You wonder at times whether or not you are in My perfect plan beloved but know this: It is more critical for you to be in My presence than to be in My will. You make decisions every day that often fall outside the parameters […]


The Father Says Today: August 17th, 2018

The Father says today, this is a season of adjusting your expectations. What you thought and what you anticipated things looking like is not how they turned out. Refuse to be moved by the seen. Keep your faith and your anticipation on the unseen. The unseen realm where My kingdom is founded controls every outcome […]