The Father Says Today: September 10th, 2021

The Father says today, I have decreed a decree over you. This resonates with the season of change and the winds of transformation blowing on the earth. It is your own mighty rushing winds, capable of turning around your captivity and bringing about a great restoration. Your ordinary will become extraordinary and you will be a witness of My glory and power to the uttermost parts of the world, says the Father. It is your time to show the world that you have been with Me in the secret place, where My image and character is formed in you. You have lost all your fears and have gained power, love, and a sound mind. This is who you have become, so refuse to behold the threatenings of the adversaries but ask of Me and I will grant you boldness and perform great signs and wonders by your hand to confound even the wise, says God.

The tide has turned, and the winds of change have located you and members of your household. The decree of elevation over you is finding an expression and its’ performance is seen in all your endeavors. Arise and shine my beloved. Arise and fear no foe for greater is He who resides in you than he who is in the world, says the Father. I am that Mighty One who lives on the inside of you, backing you up with peace, grace, and mercy. My seal of approval is stamped all over you as an heir of salvation and an attaché of the kingdom. You are an entitled one – a trailblazer, my beloved, and change has come to you. Act now for the time and tide will not tolerate hesitations and procrastinations, says the Father.

Eric Maison

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