The Father Says Today: June 26th, 2021

The Father says today, I am awakening your comprehension and experience of the quantum measures of My Spirit and causing the realms of heavenly places and platforms to be revealed by the enhanced perceptions of your spirit and soul. Watch for the increase in spiritual visual acuity to begin to cause many to have visions with a seer’s anointing and revelation. This is that time, says the Lord, when many shall dream dreams, and many shall have visions. There shall be a seer in every tribe and a revelator in every region. The light of My glory shall be revealed, and the realms and depths of colorful wave lengths will cause a new creative power to be released upon the earth in this hour. I am releasing an artistic anointing to My artists to create with power.

The sound of My frequencies in music and the healing flow of My Spirit will energize and renew as a new sound is being released on the earth in this hour. My musicians and minstrels shall hear a new song and be empowered to bring change and bring an exchange of heaviness for joy and an exchange of darkness for light as they flow in sync with the sounds of heaven being released. The quantum measures of My Spirit are released with every season of revival and renewal, and that time is now, says the Father.

Prophet Terri Allen

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Other Comments

  • A Reed says:

    Wow, I used to have prophetic dreams a lot but they stopped. Last night I had a dream that I know was from the Lord. It is like the enemy is trying to hinder what the Lord is showing me as I start dreaming it then goes dark, blackout in my sight vision. Please pray for me. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 🙏

    • GTAdmin says:

      You can pray and ask the Lord to help you remember and expect to. Keep a journal and a pen by your bed and write if you wake up and remember anything. When you wake in the morning, lay there and think about what you may have been dreaming. If you consistently do this and press in, your dreams will increase. The Word also says that He hides some dreams away also until the right time. You might consider taking the dream interpretation course. It helps you understand different aspects of dream interpretation and how to interpret the symbols biblically. Blessings.