The Father Says Today; June 25th, 2021

The Father says today, have I not said to be fruitful and multiply? The song of the barren women is being sung across the land. Rejoice, rejoice, and enlarge the place of your tents. Rejoice, rejoice, and stretch out the curtains of your dwellings for the barren will no longer be ashamed and they shall forget their disgrace. For even as a sign and a wonder across the land shall the mothers of destiny who have cried out to Me for deliverance spring forth with new life in this season. For I shall make My purposes known in this hour and My people and My daughters shall be fruitful and new life shall come into their homes with great joy. The children of this generation will not be lost but will be established in righteousness.

As a sign of My favor upon this generation shall come forth the sound of joyful shouting and salvation from the dwelling places of the righteous. As a sign of My favor upon this generation shall come forth even the double blessing of Isaac and Rebecca with twins and yes, triplets being birthed upon the earth. These shall not miss their divine destiny and purpose, but they shall do mighty exploits for their God. So, rise up and rejoice you who were barren, for your fruitful vine is bursting forth with new life and hope deferred is being destroyed. More are your children coming forth than the generations of your lines previous and your latter shall be greater than your former, says the Father.

Prophet Terri Allen

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Other Comments

  • A Reed says:

    Yes, I believe and receive that in which the Father has from heart. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏

  • Deborah says:

    I agree, believe, receive, achieve and succeed in this word, in Jesus name, amen!