The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2019

The Father says today, I have done away with the impossible. No challenge before you or obstacle in your path, no matter how formidable, is impassible or impossible to who I AM on the inside of you. Continue moving forward. Move forward in faith and move forward in love. Moving forward in love is the prerequisite that places you in the no-fail zone because in love, there is no failure. Do you hate failure, My beloved? Do you despise turn down and disappointment? Then call up your faith as David brought his sling and stone to the giant’s forehead. Faith was the stone, and love was the sling. Stop throwing your faith as a stone under your own power. Utilize the God-kind of Love to work with the God-kind of faith and the mountain will move, and the impossible will cower at your feet as you walk over in victory.
Be aware and on your guard against the ulterior motives of those operating in near proximity to things of concern to you. They say “thus and so” but in reality, they are only grappling with their own self-consciousness that is crowding out the God-kind of thinking I have called them up to. Lay aside self-consciousness for I brought your self-life to the death of the Cross 2000 years ago. Self was removed, and sin was destroyed. These shall not define you nor have any power over you. To grapple with sin or attempt to amend your fractured self is an act of pulling a dead man out of the tomb I placed him in two millennia ago. You are dead to sin. Believe it. You are dead to self. These shall not Lord over you for I am Lord, and I am bringing you into My image and into the fullness of all that I have promised in the work of redemption.

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