The Father Says Today: January 11th, 2019

The Father says today, I am drawing you out of many waters. The enemy will have no cause for rejoicing over you for I am holding you up and supporting you in the midst of opposition. As you cry out to Me, so I will bring My curative Spirit over you like a fresh wind. I will repair, and I will restore you to wholeness and strength. I will open your grave and cause you to come out of the rut that life has been for you of late. I will put your feet on a sure path of forward momentum and all stagnation will be broken. The gates of brass and bars of iron that have held you back are now destroyed. The open door I have placed before you is that which no man can shut. This is the nature and the character of My favor toward you, says the Father. I have accepted you in a time appointed, and I choose in My sovereignty to delight over you in conspicuous ways that the enemy will see and howl in disapproval because I refuse to allow him to touch your life, for you are as the pupil of My eye.
I will place you at ease, says God, and in that place, I will give you permanent residence. Say in your heart “I shall not be moved…” I will cause you to stand firm and I will erect around you an impregnable barrier to the assaults of hell against you. This level of favor isn’t what the counsels of the uninformed have always taught, but as to the law and the testimony if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no life in them. I place no premium on suffering. Suffering is not My choice for you. Why would I send My Son to the cross in your behalf if it were not so? I find no profit if you go down to the pit. If your life becomes dust and ashes, what advantage to My kingdom is that? Shall the dust praise Me? Will devastation declare My truth? Hear My voice, says the Father, for My words over you are words of mercy and loving-kindness this day. This day I have turned your mourning into dancing and taken far away from you all despair and heartbreak.

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Other Comments

  • Thank you! God bless your obedience! I receive this anointed word from on high! All glory to God!

  • My God in heaven I believe and receive this word. I seal it with the blood of Jesus. Amen & Amen

  • This is for me!!!! I love how the Lord knows what u have and going through and letting me know how He has is turning everything around for me.. This word that GOD gave IS For Me. He took my sorrow and gave me Joy, THANK U JESUS. This is my Time, I’m declaring it, and I’m receiving everything GOD has for ME and My Family, IN The Name of the Almighty Jesus. Alleluia, Alleluia and Allelujah… All GLORY to the Lord. AMEN…..

  • ~ ~ A.H. ~ ~ HALLELUYAH!HALLELUYAH!HALLELUYAH!!!GOD, through Jesus Christ, I say, by the power of HIS Holy Spirit, is good! These inspirational devotions are definitely for me. I have read many other popular daily devotionals, but this is the one that always seems to directly relate to my personal circumstances. Our LORD is that AWESOME. His truth endureth FOREVER!!! Enter into HIS gates with THANKSGIVING and into HIS courts with PRAISE! I thank GOD for HIS mercy, favor & grace. I am slowly, but steadily climbing out of the pits of stagnation & grief. God, through this ministry, has been an ever-present help in the midst of conflict, confusing circumstances & deaths of loved ones. Be encouraged, fellow sojourners!!!

  • Carol May says:


  • lucia szymanik says:

    I rejoice this day for now I have the victory and I can rejoice in the God my Savior and be restored from the trial that I encountered. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

  • Amen thank you jesus my Dad hallelujah this is the right message just for me … I thank you again and again Jesus you change my mourning in to dancing Amen my dear father Jesus I have you who understood me I trust you I trust your word my sorrow has come to an end in front of my enemies God make me to dance . my own Jesus love you !

  • Thank you Lord for these promises towards a chief sinner like me and my family 👪. I declare these words over our lives today and always. Thank you for loving us in spite of our weaknesses. Let all glory belong to you. Amen.

  • Praise Ye The Lord ! Thank you Abba Daddy, for turning my mourning into Dancing, this very day. Glory to God. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Awesome is this for me. Amen and Amen !

  • Glory hallelujah! My Father has turned my mourning into dancing..taken far from me all the heartbreak ,Your loving kindness Daddy has spoken unto my life,You have broken all stagnation in my academics…I praise You God,.You are good at being God..