The Father Says Today: December 19th, 2020

The Father Says Today: December 19th, 2020

The Father says today, of the temple of men there will not be one stone left upon another in the day of My power. The temples of religion will be shone they are but vanity. The temples of self-worship will be pulled down as Samson pulled down the temple of the pagans in the day of their celebration over My people. The temple, this I say, the temple of the political where even My people have worshipped, wiping their mouth and saying they’ve done nothing wrong, even that temple shall be brought down to the dust that My people might look up and see their salvation is in Me. When all the systems of men come to failure and utter disaster, I have ordained that you among My people will be left standing and the nations will come with open hearts and empty hands saying, “take us to your leader!”

The government is upon My shoulders, says God, and of the increase of My kingdom and righteousness there will be no end. Your gates oh, people of God will be ever open that the nations of the earth might flow into it laying their treasures at your feet as I exalt you and exalt My people into an unprecedented place of increase, elevation, and promotion. The adder and the cormorant and the spider will no longer be found in My city for I will search out My people with the candle of My Spirit to cleanse and purify you until you are as burnished brass and as gold molten in the forge brought forth as a living glory to My name that the world might see My power and witness and know there is a God in the heavens and a people on the earth, yea called by My name.

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