The Economy of the Kingdom is Invading Your Life Today!

Hello! This is Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry. The invasion of heaven in your life has come – and everything changes for you today!

I hear the Father say:

The Father says the Economy of the Kingdom is invading your life today. This day the currency of heaven is wiping out every deficit in your life. There is no COVID in the kingdom. There is no joblessness in the kingdom. There is no debt in the kingdom. My kingdom is breaking down every restriction in your life and putting you in surplus beyond all your expectation. Surplus of joy. Surplus and glory. Surplus of My presence and surplus of that which has been in sore demand in your life. This is your portion by My hand. This is your inheritance and your privilege. You are not underprivileged you are over-blessed. Do you feel the pressure? Do you feel the intensity of pressed down, shaken together, and running over? Open the arms of your faith wide and embrace the bounty of heaven poured out in your life in a moment of time.

Prophet Russ – The Economy of the Kingdom is Invading My Life Today!

The day has come and now is, says God that you will minutely search your life and not find an unanswered prayer or unmet need. There will be no sickness for sickness is not your portion. There will be no heartbreak for I was rejected and smitten of men in your behalf. There no debt, no poverty, no lack for I became poor that you might be enriched in all things – not just spiritual things but all things that pertain to life and godliness. The high places of the earth are opening up to you. You are a keyholder. I have given you the key of executive access to the privileged precincts and you were excluded from in times past. Doors that were shut to you years before will now swing open as the angel porters bring you the upper seat that I have prepared in your honor at the feast of My fulness in the earth for My people.

Prophet Russ – High Places of the Earth are Open to Me Today!

The sentence is handed down where you are concerned says, God. The charges against you are dismissed and the gavel of heaven has come down in your favor. Walk free. The enemy has fettered you in chains of guilt long enough. Where are the witnesses against you? They are dismissed. Their testimony against you is impeached for all I see when I look at you is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Forgive yourself. Accept your unconditional release from the hold of the enemy, the hold of restriction, and the hold of dismay and disappointment. This is your time and this is your day. This is your celebration our and I will bless those that bless you and REMOVE from your life those that have dishonored My testimony in your life.

Prophet Russ – The Gavel Comes Down in My Favor Today!

Renew the foundation of hope I have laid in your life in times past says, God. The enemy cut you off and your friends cut you off and defeat seemed the only possible outcome. Watch! Watch as I turn darkness to light and bitterness to sweet release and ashes, the ashes of deep disappointment to the beauty of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled in a moment of time. Don’t think the breakthrough is far off because it is not far off it is at the door. Open your doors you everlasting gates. Believe for spontaneous fulfillment of the vision I imparted to you – it will manifest and it will not lie for you are that one I delight in to bring you to My table laden, loaded down with every good thing you might possibly believe Me for says God.

Prophet Russ – My Bitter is Turning to Sweetness This Very Day!

What a powerful word! These Giving Day words are of a different caliber. We’ve had testimony after testimony of breakthrough in people’s lives as they engaged these words with faith for change in their situation. If there is one thing I learned from Prophet Kim Clement, it is this – giving is a point of contact to release your faith. Act now. Act in the moment of the anointing. Believe for a release of the miraculous in your life. When you release your faith by sowing into a prophetic word, an immediate shift into favor and increase occurs. This is how faith works. Make your donation a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today comes to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation.

Sow into this breakthrough word for your situation.

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You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.
To Give by Mail:
Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615

Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden

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