The Father Says Today: October 22nd, 2019

The Father says today, the time has been long, and the questions many. The barnacles of very human experience have attached themselves to your life in ways you thought they never would. You thought by the time you reached this point that things would look brighter and better. You wrongly concluded that you just expected too much and should have set your sights lower. The variables of human experience have etched their own marks into your past and shaped you into a portrait of pathos and benign skepticism. I am about to change all that, says the Father. I am the God who makes all things new. I am forming a new you for this new season. It is a new day, says the Father. You will no longer face the day with a tongue-in-cheek “wait and see” perspective. You will no longer shelter yourself with the pseudo-sophisticated, worldly-wise skepticism that finds its origins in the spirit of this world. To the world, this attitude toward life looks sophisticated and suave, but from My perspective, says the Father, I see a gaping wound of unbelief.
I have unlimbered the wineskin of My healing ointments, and I am pouring in the vintages of restoration and hope. I am breathing into the dormant tissues of your optimism. I am holding your exhausted heart in My hands and massaging it back to a passionate, chest-pounding zeal. This is what it means when I said your youth would be renewed like the eagles, says the Father. Even now, you are going through the molting process in your memories and emotions. You are shedding the remembrances of former things. The harsh, emotional rigidity and sarcasm that has not served My purposes are being sloughed off and replaced with pink-soft sensitivity. You are going to find tears on your cheeks more often in this season, says the Father. Let them wash away the disappointments of the past. Those tears are fortified with My forgiveness and strength. Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Let go and move on. It is a new day, says the Father, and I am gifting you with a new you, a new mind, and a new heart to serve Me in this new season.

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