The Father Says Today: April 6th, 2019

The Father says today, I am drawing you into deeper waters this day. There is a great coming together in your life brought about by My hand. I am sending away those possessed of a spirit of lethargy. Their sloth in the things of the kingdom is infectious and the winds of My Spirit blowing through your life are inoculating you for what comes next. Your testimony will be that the zeal of My Spirit has consumed you. You will be ruined for the kingdom, for you will experience the open heaven that is your destiny and your portion. The fields of bounty and blessing are springing up as seed-fruit-harvest today, for this is your now time.
Can you take NOW for an answer, says the Father? Are you prepared for the shift and the change that unqualified favor and unlimited blessing bring into your life? To whom much is given, says the Father, much is required. Embrace the requirement of My Spirit this day. Do it pre-emptively by an act of faith. Know that every time you cross a new threshold on the path I have for you, it will cost you EVERYTHING. Your reputation, the security you have built up in the status quo, all of this must go as you exchange your limited life for My unlimited and abundant life lived out in fullness from this day forward.

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