The Father Says today: July 22nd, 2017

The Father says today, follow Me and I will keep you from error. The spirit of error that is in the world can only seduce those who have chosen to live outside the parameters of utter dependence on My Spirit and My voice. Every opinion, every observation, every conclusion, concept and precept that does not originate in My mind proceeds of error. It is not necessary to educate yourself in the towers of the darkened wisdom of man. The wisdom of man is sense-based knowledge. Revelation knowledge encompasses past, present and future. The revelation – the unveiling of My truth is the unveiling of My person. Refuse to feed yourself on the salacious theories of conspiracy and hidden knowledge, for that arises only in the occult thinking of darkened minds. I have given you light and in that light you are changed into My limitless nature and stamped with My image.
Remember in all things that you are My offspring. As My offspring, there is nothing withheld from you. Ask only with discernment knowing that when you ask believing I will respond in the affirmative. I am not holding out on you. You have been told that I am holding back but I am not holding back. Every promise of My word that you stand on is only conferred to you in the affirmative. I have no hesitation in dealing with you. My answer? My answer is yes! Let your fear be not in that I might withhold from you but that I will NOT withhold from you. I didn’t even refuse Adam the fruit of the tree that led to his disaster. You have far more autonomy of choice than you have ever realized. Trust in My hand to deliver. Trust in Me to lead. I am leading you by My voice. My sheep hear My voice and as you daily, moment by moment determine to live out your life in the sheep nature, responding to Me as your Great Shepherd – you will ever find yourself refreshed and resting by the still waters and in the green pastures of My goodness.

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