The Father Says Today: December 24th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that the future that the enemy has attempted to paint for you is not an accurate depiction of what I am bringing to pass in your life. The enemy is all about smoke and mirrors and deception. He makes himself look much larger and more powerful than he really is. You may feel as though you have backed yourself into a corner from which there is no escape but I have made a way for you and an exit strategy that leads to life and not destruction. Trust Me says the Father. Lean on Me. Lean on Me and I will cause you to know that it is BURDEN LIGHT and YOKE EASY time even in the midst of darkness and insecurity. I love you My beloved. You may be a wounded warrior and I am going to remediate and care and heal and bring you to wholeness in this hour.
So just enter into rest today. Know that sufficient for today is the evil thereof. You need only trust Me for this 24 hour time frame. Tomorrow will have it’s challenges but guess what? I am already working in tomorrow’s time frame to will and to do My good pleasure. Those who have berated you and marginalized you have no power to control other than what you give them. Look away from them says the Father and know that you are the one I am working with both to bring about a hope, a future and an expected end. What man cannot do for you and what man will not do for you will be the spontaneous and miraculous outcome of your trust in Me when you finally and fully lean with all your heart upon My faithfulness in your life.

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