The Father Says Today: February 11th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that the River of My Spirit is flowing through your land. My river is for the healing of the nations and for your healing and restoration My beloved. Even as there were four rivers flowing out of Eden – there are likewise four rivers that proceed out of the human heart. One of these rivers goes out as Hiddekel out of Eden into the land where there is gold and it is meant to go out and bring back into your life the provisioning of My kingdom. Did I not say that out of your belly would flow RIVERS? Yes, I will cause you to break forth upon the right hand and upon the left and saturate your life with My blessing. Where there have been dry bones, and cracked earth says the Father, I’m going to cause the irrigation of my Spirit and My presence to begin to moisten the bones of dead visions and bring them back to life.
Yes beloved, by the force of My will I am bringing a resurrection of those things you have nigh given up believing Me for. Time has passed and your faith waned and became anemic – but I NEVER changed My mind about what I promised you. I am bringing by My river a deliverance and a liberty where there has been bondage and where there’s been lack. Where there’s been brokenness I am bringing a rejoining and a healing and a mending because I am a mending God. I am mending, restoring and provisioning those dreams, visions and hopes that have been broken in your life. This is your portion so enter in. Define each day what cooperation with My heart for you looks like. In so doing the landscape of the dry and barren will become a verdant tableau of blessing and goodness that will redefine your whole existence.

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