The Father Says Today: September 27th, 2018

The Father says today, you are not a sin carrier; you are a God-carrier. I have made you God-kind. You belong to Me. You are a member of the family named in heaven and your redemption from every contrary condition is provided in the now resource of the Cross. Receive this, says God! You are a new creation in Christ. You are a new species altogether. The old man is passed away. The new man has come. Sin no longer reckons within you. Righteousness is your portion. Heaven’s entitlement is now conferred upon you and the way into the holiest is opened by the shedding of the blood of Calvary 2000 years ago. Accept this as your truth. Accept this as your most basic understanding and ground state as My beloved.
Refuse the motions of sin, says God. Sin will not have dominion over you. Habits of life and addictions are broken in your life. You are not habituated to fornication or iniquity. You are not addicted to any derivative substance of the earth, for I have given you power, dominion, and authority over the entirety of creation. You are not a victim, you are a victor. You are not beneath for I have paid the price to set you on high. No longer reckon yourself the slave of sin. No longer dabble in the seasonal pleasures of sin that only deny you the eternal values of righteousness and wholesomeness in Me, for this day I set you free.

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