The Father Says Today: October 5th, 2019

The Father says today, the circumstances you find yourself in today are not permanent. Do not make plans based on current conditions. It is unnecessary to spend time figuring out how to work around what you think are your limitations. I am going to remove the limits that constrain you now and transition you to a new season. If you make long-term decisions based on current challenges in your life, you will unnecessarily complicate the season of blessing that I am bringing you. It is a new day, says the Father. The pressure you are under is trampling out the vintage of a new day in which I will lead you in a new way. Do not retire or remove from the winepress you are in; it will not produce or yield sorrow but the joy of a new season and a transition to a greater measure of the things you have petitioned Me for in days past. I will never forget what you have asked Me for, says the Father. I have noted every request and am acting now to bring about the desires of your heart that I have planted in you for this “now” time.
Trust Me. Let Me take it from here. It is true that trusted friends have been few and far between, says the Father. The landscape of your life has been cluttered with the seeming wreckage of relational disillusionment. Have I not said that narrow is the way and few will find it? Why be surprised at the fact that you often do not have much company along the way? Your friendships and relationships are subject to the arrangement of My hand for you are being set in the heavens in a particular arrangement to serve My peculiar purpose. Look through the earthly, and see the heavenly, says the Father. You are not as alone as it may seem from time to time. As the stars in the heavens are so arranged for the navigational aid of men on the earth, so I have arranged the friendships and relationships of your life to guide you through the dark toward My greater purpose in the earth. Hold everything loosely. Love lavishly. Mourn not when change comes; rather, give thanks and sojourn on. I am guiding you ever onward to the destiny I have crafted for you before the world began. It is there that the sons of God stand for joy before the foundation of the earth, and it is there that you are taking your place in the pantheon of My house forever.

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