The Father Says Today: October 24th, 2018

The Father says today, mount up with wings like an eagle. There is a time to be a sheep and a time to be an eagle. Now is the time to mount up on the wings I have fastened to your faith and wend your way to the rocky crags of the high places in Me. I dwell in the high and holy place with that person that is of a humble and a contrite nature. Being humble has nothing to do with being negative about yourself. When you criticize yourself and denigrate yourself, you are disparaging the work of My hand. I say you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I say that nobility of spirit and excellence of heart are yours. I am not ashamed of you, therefore, do not be ashamed of yourself on any account. I call you My own. You are a God-carrier. I call you son; I call you daughter. It is time to come out of the low places into the lofty heights of abiding in me. There I have set my name and my high tower. There you will be safe, and there you will begin at last to see the things I have been working to teach you for a very long time.
Say to your eyes be opened and to your ears say, “hear the word of the Lord.” Not everyone around you will get this. Refuse to value the depth of what I say by how impressed others are when you repeat it to them. Learn to keep My secrets. If you want to go to the secret place, you must be willing to keep My secrets when others are blabbing away. The blabbers and those who strut and preen over how spiritual they are will be left out and excluded in the days to come. Others without spiritual depth or hunger will hear My sound and merely say it thundered – but I have this day caused you to hear my articulate voice. I choose you to know, and I choose you to receive the things, even the hidden things that have been withheld from ages and generations. To you, I have given the acuity of spiritual sight that you might know the end from the beginning and indeed enter into the initiatives of heaven as never before, says God.

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