The Father Says Today: March 22nd, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today that I am bringing My certain sound into the earth and into your life. It is a sound with melody and a sound with harmony. You will find yourself in the company of men and women you have never met and yet realize that their hearts are resonating also to MY sound. My sound says the Father is going out into THE earth and it is sounding out into YOUR earth as well.
No more tinkling cymbals or sounding brass. I will silence the braying arrogance of those who have no compassion. Love is WHO I AM not just what I do. My love expresses itself in the context of relationship therefore says the Father I will set you afresh and anew into a family born of KINGDOM VALUES. Religious commonalities are coming to failure and KINGDOM ALIGNMENT is asserting itself in the earth and in your life. Look for these alignments says the Father for they are alignments of HEAVEN and alignments that will BREAK the isolation that has plagued My people even as they are alone and desolate in the midst of great crowds.
I am bringing JOY and brotherhood into the earth says the Father. You will know your tribe and you will be KNOWN of those that you belong to and those who belong to Me. Look for these alignments. You will know them by the burning passion of My heart that resonates and burns within you as you come together formally and even informally. I am crafting a fresh expression of a Matthew 18 agreement and in that agreement NOTHING shall be denied you in the earth.

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Other Comments

  • Praise God for that word, man of God. Praise God for that word. For I thought I was alone in seeing certain things that are going on even in my country. I thank God that he is raising his voice triumphantly higher than the enemies. I receive the word of God today. Because God will be glorified in his earth.

    • Theresa says:

      I say Amen to you oh King of Kings and Lord of Lords! You always have a right now Word for me! I will always love you! Thank you for choosing me! Theresa