The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2012

The Father says today that I created the earth by the sound of My voice. My voice continues to create, control and command the earth. My voice is resident within you says the Father. I have placed My throne in your heart and MY VOICE that shakes the cedars and rends the mountains proceeds from My dwelling place in you. You are not powerless says the Father as long as you are not voice-less. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.
Creation continues to respond to My voice. My voice is without challenge, and when My voice proceeds from your lips it will accomplish whereunto it is sent. Yes it is true I have called you to be silent before Me. However even as I have called you to be silent before Me I have called you to be vocal in the earth. As you open your mouth to speak I will open My mouth to roar. Let My roar be in you against the adversities that are before you right now.
SPEAK says the Father, and IN THE SPEAKING will be the manifest substance of that which you require at My hand.

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Other Comments

  • Anastasia Robinson says:

    The roar You have put in my mouth has been used over the years for the works against me from the enemy. Thank You Lord for once again reminding me of the necessity of this roar as needed. I will be silent before You in receiving Your message with healing for myself and others, and in sharing Your wonderful counsel for lives as the opportunity arises. My mouth is open, and I ask for Your filling of it to speak Your Word as it is given according Your leading. Praise You Lord for directing my life.

  • Lovey says:

    The Lord Almighty God who had powers and all controll ,will eraise my all my debts and set me free from from finacial crisis and bless me with successful business in Jesus Name.May the good Lord bless you prophet