The Father Says Today: July 27th, 2018

The Father says today, it is time for a hand-off. Your assignment is changing, says the Father, and your responsibility now is to teach, train and instruct others to be ready and get ready to come alongside and labor where you have labored alone for some time now. It never was My plan, says the Father, to keep you in a static or stagnant situation with no help or assistance to accomplish what I have called you to do and in fact commanded you to do. You haven’t failed, says God. Be willing to let one plant, another water, for all will receive the reward if you stay faithful. Be willing to be the one who waters and stays faithful whether you see immediate results or not. I am moving you to a new territory and a new place of fruitfulness. It may look like a desert, but did I not promise that the desert will bloom and bring forth?
My timings are catching up with you with new haste, says the Father. You are used to a particular cadence to things in your walk with Me, but now get ready for the irregular and the abrupt shift that isn’t always going to make sense or satisfy your idea of what things should look like or how things get done. I limit My sovereignty regarding a promised outcome for you, but I retain My autonomy regarding moving you along in My anointed process, whether you understand it or not or know how to explain it to others. Just keep saying “YES” to My “YES” and pressing into the pressure that would shut the door against you that I am opening. You won’t be left out, says God, you won’t be left out of the hour that changes the world, the hour that changes your world is upon you and those who think they have things all figured out about you and your future will realize and be faced with the fact that I love you and favor you far more than they first concluded!

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Other Comments

  • Chris quarles says:

    Wow thTs a in time a word for me thanks for the obedience Jesus I just wanna bless u that hit home

  • Lynn Mimshach says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN, it doth NOW APPEAR. Eye has not seen, he who sits in the heavens shall laugh :):):):):):):).