The Father Says Today: July 11th, 2018

The Father says today, I have given you My hearing ear. Your inner man, your spirit was created as an instrument to hear My sound, says the Father, even My voice as the sound of many waters. Down in the deepest part of you, My sound is made known with crystal clarity. Give heed to My sound. Yield to My sound that is reverberating the depths of your inner man. When outward things and adverse circumstances demand your focus, turn again to My sound on the inside of you. My sound is a note of dominion and victory. My sound is healing and transformation. What you have waited and waited and waited on to come from without of My deliverance in your life actually originates inside your own human heart. You are My temple. You are the place of My habitation. I have set My throne within you, and it is at My throne I invite you to commune and ascend to a position of complete and undisturbed composure.
Know this says God, I am an inside God doing an inside job in your life. Outward dependency is a distraction. Outward dependency is idolatry. Reject all suggestions that I am doing something or that I am going to do something outside of HERE and NOW. I am a HERE and NOW God because that is where you need Me most. I am not far off. The gulf between us because of sin is removed in the shed blood of Calvary. Receive your at-one-ment this day. Know that I have no other desire than that you come into a place of oneness and intimacy with Me. Everything that I am doing in your life proceeds from and originates in intimacy. In the place of intimate communion, you will find the full demonstration of My power that arises in you and flows out from you to deliver and shift and change those things that seem so far beyond your ability to change.

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