The Father Says Today: August 5th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says to you today, nothing external to you has any power over you. You are not subject to any circumstance or any situation or person that contradicts what I have promised to you in My word. The happenings that occur in the material world are simply observations made regarding that which I’ve given you authority over. I’ve given you authority says the Father even as I said to Adam. I commanded the very first man to subdue and have dominion! The dominion that was lost in Adam is restored in Christ. In your life (because you belong to Me) – ruling and reigning begins now! Ruling and reigning does not begin after death nor does it require death, for death is My enemy. Did I not say in My word that the last enemy that would be put under My feet is death? And did I not say I would be sat down until the last enemy is put under My feet? What part of ruling and reigning is yet to be framed in your understanding says the Father? Come to My table beloved, and partake! I have prepared a table for you even in the presence of your enemy and you shall be unharmed, and unmolested, for My hand and My name is your defense!
When My Son walked the earth He demonstrated My standard for human normalcy! He demonstrated the human condition as I intended it and then boldly proclaimed that you have inherited His name and will do greater works! Enter into the greater works this day. Expect signs, miracles and wonders. Expect the unusual, the unique, the fantastic! Find moving in your midst to demonstrate My goodness and My strength in you and to you and through you in a greater measure then you have ever known says your God!

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