The Father Says Today: April 19th, 2018

The Father says today, fear not! Believe only! Fear not those things that are on the morrow, says the Father, for I am there already! Past, present, and future are all NOW to Me. I am in your future awaiting your arrival with provisions that you know not of. When tomorrow’s challenge comes there will be ample supply. I am meeting all your need from the inventories of the glory and the glory is IN you. I WILL supply all your needs for I AM your supply. That is WHO I am and that is WHAT I DO. Were your need to go unmet, I would must needs not be God and that is not possible! I will supply all, says God! I will supply ALL that is necessary to fulfill your destiny, and your destiny is not one of diminishment, your destiny is not one of loss, but it is one that leads you into the manifestation of being seated with Me in heavenly places far above all principality and power.
The Father says, that the illegitimate authority of Satan is being cast down. I beheld Satan cast as lightning from heaven, now I want YOU to see this as well. My people give the enemy far too much credit when I have put all things under your feet. You are not beneath. You are above and above only. Satan never took anything legitimately but only became the prince of the power of the air because Adam bowed his knee to the enemy in Eden. As I gave Adam dominion, so I have given YOU dominion. I have made you a principality in the earth, says the Father, now act like one. Open your mouth and let the rule of God proceed from your mouth. Open your hand and let the rule of God proceed from your hand. Step forth and I will enlarge the steps of your path and it will be known that I am Jehovah God who has chosen to covenantally obligate Myself in your behalf, for you are Mine, you are My child. I will not leave you, I will not forsake you, and I will not fail you, says the Father.

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