Opting Into the Jesus Generation:

The Jesus Generation:
A Digital Spiritual Community
Our vision in Mediachurch.net, e-Church and in FHM is to afford you through our social media presence and internet presence a meaningful and growing a digital spiritual community. We aspire to be a part of a Jesus Generation whose commonality is not in our race, social standing, age group, or other ancillary interests, but in our passion for Christ and love of His presence. His presence is our priority.
We are here to talk TO each other not post AT each other. When you visit FHM or one of our ministry efforts, we want you to feel welcomed. When you click away we want you to have a warm, affirmative feeling that sticks with you and makes you feel your worth in Christ. Life is challenging enough without feeling piled on by those who are called to love one another that the world may know we are His disciples.
We want to be a digital enhancement to and in some cases for many people – a substitute for, or outright replacement of the brick and mortar church. The digital landscape is a mission field that millions frequent every day. We want to see and be seen in those available venues as a beckoning, friendly place where believers and unbelievers alike can be together and find encouragement and connection for their lives in the context of a total emphasis on His presence and the love of God in Christ. I do not think that vision is too ambitious.
In case you haven’t been paying attention – the internet and social media have changed the world. These are the modern equivalent of the public venues outside the religious establishment where in the 1st century 38 of the 40 miracles recorded in Acts took place. You can fellowship here. You can learn. You can connect. You can be discipled into greater responsibility and leadership. You can discover and clarify your call. FHM and the ministers and volunteers who represent us, are here to uphold you when you are weak, and encourage you when you are in need. We aspire to be the catalyst that provokes you to be a vibrant, contributing component of a JESUS GENERATION that is discovering itself in the internet domain and around the world.
Is your response to this “I get it! I love it! I want it! Now where is it!”?? It is all about connection and engagement. Being more than a casual consumer of the content represented through all the channels of FHM’s outreach. Take a course. Volunteer. Get on the intercession team. Become a partner. We are reaching 100’s for Christ and seeing 1st time salvations daily. We think we are good ground for your giving. Nothing on the internet is free. It may not be apparent but we have invested much in the way of $$$ to establish a beach head of ministry on the internet and we are not slowing down. Our entire focus is reaching souls, bringing breakthrough and transformation, seeing Christ exalted and lives changed. Partner with us. Through these and many other avenues an impact, however faint is being made in the earth among hungry, searching people. They matter. You matter. It matters. No one is disposable. Everybody counts, and in our book – that includes you.
~ Russ and Kitty Walden
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