The Father Says Today: October 20th, 2013

DSC05576The Father says today that My angel is hovering over the threshing floor of Ornan. King David was in sackcloth when he beheld the angel with sword drawn over the city. What David did next stayed the hand of destruction over the city. Can you see the authority you have to direct and control angels? I made you a little lower than angel-kind but I have crowned you with the glory that no angel can look into. When angels look upon the glory I placed IN YOU the only thing they are capable of is crying “Holy, Holy, Holy!”
So KNOW THIS says the Father that there is a holy and a sovereign thing transacting on the inside of you and the stakes are higher than you may realize. I am going to show you in the night where the angel with the drawn sword is over your city, your church, even your intimate circle. What you do next will CHANGE everything. Heaven and earth are changed and reconfigured when you GO LOW and WORSHIP says the Father. It is NOW your time and your opportunity to ascend, transcend and establish My purposes in your jurisdiction says your God!

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Other Comments

  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    Thank you heavenly Father for the Holy Angels whom are doing battle for us. I praise, bless and give thanks for the Holy Warring Angels released to stop the devil in his tracks in and through all that concerns us while we go free to live in perfect peace and prosperity in Jesus name…Amen!!.