The Father Says Today: November 15th, 2013

DSC05724The Father says today I have released to you all that heaven affords. In all My capacity to bless and renew I have caused a great undoing of the depredations of the enemy against your life. The ravages of time and unfruitful choices you have made will not mar who I have determined you will be. Do not say within your heart that your opportunities are past for there are dreams and desires you have written an epitaph over that I am bringing to new and living hope. Set your expectations on Me and not the inexorable march of time or the disappointments of life.
I am the God of time and happenstance and I am controverting the consequences of things even of long ago and your eyes will see it and your heart will rejoice. You see says the Father that your past will not be commentary on your future. I am standing in your future mocking the past that has mocked your hopes and dreams and prospects. Be of good cheer and refuse to sink into the quagmire of regret or pining for what the natural mind says can never be. Simply know that in My sovereignty I have many sweet surprises for you as I bring the kiss of heaven to your brow and do for you what you cannot and have not be able to do for yourself.

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Other Comments

  • Lynn Kendall says:

    I thank God with all my heart for all you both do by the power of God. This is a lifeline for me right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • thank you jesus send the someone on this earth to you are my only menitor i trust you promised me to save my family and they be in mistry just like when the first got baptistized

  • Maribel Fontes says:

    Yes and Amen – Thank you for being such a blessing. I log in daily and always The Lord has answered the question in my hart. Your word is so accurate, this very morning I was wondering how is God going to bring all the prophetic promises of days past to fullfilment in my husband and my life. “You know Lord we are not getting any younger I Said” Well Praise God. Kind regards -Much appriciated. Maribel (johannesburg South Africa)_