The Father Says Today: November 13th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today make up your mind to believe and believe BIG. The new birth has taken root in you. You are rooted and grounded in Love. You are rooted and grounded in the faith whereby heaven comes to earth in your life. You are seated. You are risen and seated far above all principalities and powers. Every illegitimate authority that comes against you will do so in vain. Every illegitimate word curse falls inert at your feet. You are risen with Christ therefore seek those things that are above. It is not wrong to move in holy ambition. It is not blasphemy to aspire to all that the cross affords you in Christ. Adopt this day a “rooted-in-Christ” mentality. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ. You are children of the Highest. You are equal siblings of the First Begotten who paid the price in His precious blood for you to find your security and your paternity in Him.
Set your affections on things above. Anchor your emotional attenuation on “above things” and not on “beneath things”. You are dead to “beneath things” you have been made alive to “above things”. This is your portion. This is the door I have opened to you – a door that cannot be shut by man or demon. This day says the Father step into your dominion. As My kingdom is come so I have made you to be a king. You are a king and kings have kingdoms. Put your hand to the scepter that Calvary has bequeathed you. Be the son that the incorruptible seed of Christ has gestated in the husk of your earthly life. Shed the lifeless. Rise up in that life which is irreducible, eternal and transcendent. This is who you are. This is who I AM on the inside of you.

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