The Father Says Today: May 14th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that loving others does not mean you allow them to spend you like a commodity. Loving others from a kingdom perspective is loving them on My terms and not man’s. When others prevail upon you and manipulate you for their own ends – listen to My voice. I will never fail to instruct you and warn you and keep from being abused by someone else’s selfish agenda. Learn to listen to My voice. The Syro-phonecian woman came with her sick child and demanded that I do something. She asked for children’s bread without any sense of accountability. There is accountability in My kingdom says the Father. Listen to My voice and when I say no – then you be a Father pleaser and a kingdom seeker even if others do not understand.
Remember says the Father that My base nature is that of Lordship. Illegitimate authority, blame, guilt and manipulation are not influences I will ever require you to submit to. You are going to have to be willing to be misunderstood, accused and vilified by those who live in a victim mentality as a fortress constructed around their own self-interest. Learn to say no without feeling guilty. Learn to do what I direct and instruct you to do even if it garners the chagrin of those who had you in their crosshairs to abuse and misuse your kindness. Loving with My love has nothing to do with dancing to the tune that others call or being a resource to mitigate their own refusal to choose the yoke easy burden light I have afforded them. This is what mature, God kind of love looks like and this is what I am fostering in you this day.

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Other Comments

  • very timely…….. been asking myself same questions then this word came in. thank you HOLY SPIRIT for speaking to me. prophet god bless you

  • Russ and Kitty,
    Thank you so much for this consoling message. I am in a spiritual battle with my son who has just finished
    college at a secular university. The pain is, he has given up the Faith, doesn’t go to Mass on Sunday any
    longer. He rejects the marital act is for married people. He needs a conversion experience.

  • martin duron says:

    I am blown away how God directs and encourages my life. I am blessed in the mess I’ve created.

  • Mitchell Jones says:

    Praise the Lord, I give the Lord glory and thanksgiving for this Word, as I have definitely experienced such. Behold, the Light in a dark place.

  • Yes and Amen! Thank you Father for showing me what real love is! Your love is like no other and if it’s not your love I don’t want it. I pray that you are working on the hearts of men to seek you and your love and know that your love is the greatest of all! Amen!

  • Thank You Russ and Kitty for all you do each and everyday for so many, and that is coming, this is really just the beginning, for your discernment, in bringing the Word into todays realm of technology, the five fold is raising
    up in different methods, believe that the Lord is going to bring manifestation that we have not yet even thought or seen into this realm to reach the new generation who is coming as well, believe that is important, to be slow to judge, because He spoke to me this week, that He was going to use His body in ways that we have not even seen or thought, we understand that it is not from this realm. LOVE the Words of life, that is coming out from your inner most BEING, want to challenge you to even in days to come, to think outside the “box” to reach the lost. See one (Russ and Kitty) who has done that, wish that had known you were here, have already begin to intercede for you, and even to give you ideas that has not yet seen, in due season will be able to Bless You above and beyond your expectation. Thank You, and will get this money to you ASAP. Love to sow into good ground that God is raising up. Know this, by His Spirit, the mantle is about to fall, in the realm of Council and Might….need to and want to understand in full all that means. It is apart of His Seven Spirits that He is releasing into the Earth. Praise God for standing on the truth of even declaring 50 years from now, after we realize that it is up to this generation to establish our portion, that is only what really matters, because I see father than what we expect, according to the Jewish calendar about 243 years before the year of 6,000 years with a New Race upon, the New Earth (BBH). Know that is a “major problem paradigm” in this region, to me people are misinformed by the leaders is a problem (deception), and believe that is the (KEY) in bringing the Leaders into TRUTH, We know that before John 17 can come into full fruition, it is the Leaders that must have the right mindset (TRUTH) before we really are going to ONENESS in the Body of Christ…Please stand in AGREEMENT for this region to come into ONENESS (Leaders in Truth), and I will stand in AGREEMENT to see the same in the realm (territory) God has trusted too YOU….God Bless You Abundantly, (He is Going Too, wait and SEE)… BLESS YOU my Friends…