The Father Says Today: January 4th, 2017

The Father says today, let My joy be your strength. My joy unspeakable is your portion, beloved. My joy isn’t connected with the events around you but comes as the gift of heaven to immerse you in total bliss and an absolute sense of well-being. Though circumstances may frown upon your life and situations seem bleak and pointless refuse to focus on that perspective. Rather look to the throne. Look to My heart and My Spirit to buoy you and lift you up out the distraction of the mundane and let your heart soar to heights unknown. In My joy you can find the strength to manifest on the boughs of your spirit the fruit of gentleness, kindness and love when everyone else has lost all composure. My joy will keep you functioning as a part of the solution and not part of the problem until deliverance comes.
Realize this says the Father that My kingdom – the kingdom that I mandated that you seek above all else is righteousness, peace and joy. You are not being shallow when you seek My joy. You are not being vapid or uninteresting when you seek peace instead of conflict. Let My peace be the baseline – the default experience that defines who you are under all extremes. There are those around you that know nothing of life if they are not reeling from one crisis to another. Step off that carousel of futility and the ordinary. Ascend into the righteousness, peace and joy that is your portion. Pursue peace. Seek joy. Accept it. Breathe in My joy and breathe out My peace when all others have lost their composure. In so doing you will authenticate the sonship that I conferred upon you at the cross and bring over your life a canopy of favor that none can penetrate or assail.

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